It’s pre-built dashboards that provide insights to improve shipment planning decisions and operational performance. Our dashboards compile ocean tracking data from multiple sources into user-friendly interfaces focused on key phases of the shipping process.
Shipment Reliability Dashboard
Improve time to market commitments for customers with direct visibility into port performance and key metrics.
Effectively plan for seasonal shipments
Choose optimal routes with higher performance
Improve time to market commitments for customers
Predict and account for historical delays
Efficiently manage volume allocations
Analyze transit time and ETA trends
Measure volume breakdown by dwell tiers for additional demurrage charges
Measure individual port dwell activity between empty pickup, gate in / out, vessel load / unload, and returned
Analyze potential cost impact by dwell tier
Avoid high-risk ports with historically lengthy dwell periods
Dwell Time Dashboard
Avoid unexpected invoices on future shipments with analytics on turnaround time for various phases of the shipping lifecycle.
Booking Response Dashboard
Get ahead of the game by gaining detailed insight into key shipping metrics impacting your business performance.
Predict response timeliness across trade lanes / regions
Analyze differences between specialized and standard cargo
Regional views with container volumes and response times
Analyze shipping volume and response timing correlations
Measure impact of booking response to seasonal shipments
Measure location / response time relationships
Customized views to account for containers in transit
Enhanced view of containers with incomplete status events information
Track performance of individual status events
Capture statistics on data quality for event timeliness
Analyze individual shipment and overall performance
Status Event Performance Dashboard
Enhance the planning and container management insight by having full visibility into shipment notifications for completeness and timeliness.