essDOCS 33-34 Rathbone Place, 1st Floor, London W1T 1JN, United Kingdom | Worldwide essDOCS’ mission is to enable paperless trade. Its CargoDocs platform digitizes, automates and accelerates trade operations, finance and logistics. CargoDocs digitizes key trade documents such as original bills of lading, warehouse warrants, certificates of origin, invoices and more. Over 36,000 companies, ranging […]

DDS Logistics 150 Rue Gallieni, Boulogne-Billancourt, France | EMEA DDS Logistics is a software publisher for transport, logistics and international sourcing. Leader of TMS, DDS Logistics offers its customers a complete digitalization of transport flows as well as visibility and cost control throughout the transport chains: upstream/downstream, supply chain import/export and logistics suppliers. Partner Type: Integration […]

DEIWorld (Dynamic Entry Internet World) C/ Lluís Companys, 24. 17244 (Girona) SPAIN | EMEA Since 2006, DEIWorld provides ERP solutions for Freight Forwarders and Customs Agents with cloud computing technology. The software also incorporates a CRM that connects with the freight forwarding module. Since its very beginnings, our company consider all our customers not as suppliers but as partners. […]

dbh Logistics IT AG Martinistrasse 47 – 49, Bremen, Germany | EMEA While nobody has given a thought about digitisation of logistics, we have already been working on it. dbh is one of the leading software and consulting companies in the areas of customs and foreign trade, compliance, transport management, port operation, SAP, and cloud services. With our […]

CargoSoft Buschhöhe 10, Horn-Lehe, Bremen, Germany | Worldwide Bremen based CargoSoft GmbH builds global information systems for Sea, Air and Road logistics for its clients such as freight forwarder and industrial companies or retailers. CargoSoft GmbH is a company with 85 employees and a subsidiary of DAKOSY AG, based in Hamburg, Germany. The fully integrated […]

BSM Global Pty Ltd Level 57, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney, 2000, NSW, Australia | Worldwide BSM Global specialises in Global Trade Management systems and solutions. They provide tailored, technical and commercial consulting services and software solutions for global traders looking to improve systems and processes. BSM’s solutions seamlessly bolt onto ERP’s and are designed to help […]

BuyCo 2 Rue Grignan, Marseille, France | EMEA Buyco is a collaborative platform dedicated to importers and exporters. BuyCo simplifies, secures and speeds up shipping operations. IMPROVE YOUR VISIBILITY – Unique transport file with all data, documents and partners – Door to door follow-up – Online transport updates available to all – Exception management to […]

CHAMP Forwarding Systems S.A. / Logitude World 2 Rue Edmond Reuter, Zone d’Activités « Weiergewan », L-5326 Contern, Grand Duchy, Luxembourg | Worldwide Small & medium companies can be as competitive as the large ones. Whether you are a freight forwarder, consolidator, an NVOCC in need of a full solution, or an import/export manager who tracks shipping activities, Logitude World has […]

Empuries Logistica SL Av. de les Drassanes Núm. 6-8 Pl. 3, Pta. 5, Barcelona, Spain | EMEA Empuries is an ERP designed in a modular way to service logistics companies, whatever their size, from small customs agencies to companies operating in various sections of the transport chain. The modules range from the operational part to the accountant, either […]

Ultimate Software Maanlander 33, 3824 MN Amersfoort, The Netherlands | Worldwide For many maritime and supply chain companies throughout the world, Ultimate Software is a trusted partner in the industry. With an expert team of professionals, from the industry for the industry, we maintain a clear focus on innovation and digitalization. Ultimate Software provides a customized […]
